Personal Background
- Name: Thomas M (Tom) Crawford
- Age: 53, Born: April 1954
- Marital Status: Married with 3 kids, all married, & 2 grand-kids
- Current Home: Tucson, Arizona, USA
- Profession: Optical Physicist / Optical Systems Engineer.
- Religion: Christian. Religious Activities: Currently actively involved in and helping plant Dove Mountain Church in Marana, AZ. Also teach a weekly morning Bible study to a group of men.
Scientific and Professional Education
- Post Graduate Studies - Optical Physics, New Mexico State University. Completed all but dissertation (ABD) requirements for a PhD in Physics (total of 37 semester hours beyond MS in Physics). Also includes coursework from U of Arizona, U of New Mexico, and U of Idaho. GPA 3.84.
- MS - Physics, May 1984, California State University Northridge. GPA 3.87.
- BS - Physics, May 1978, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. GPA 3.64.
- Various non-credit courses in engineering, management, and business through employers.
- Sigma Pi Sigma - National Physics Honor Society.
- Pi Mu Epsilon - National Mathematics Honor Society.
- Phi Theta Kappa - National Junior College Honor Society.
- Hughes PhD Fellowship - paid for much of my post graduate studies.
Religious Education
- Graduate Level Religious Studies - Columbia International University. 6 semester hours of seminary level graduate studies.
- Inductive Bible Study Methods through Precept Ministries. Certified to teach Precept Inductive Bible Study courses. Have taught Precept courses in Daniel, Revelation, Colossians.
- Personal Study - have conducted significant personal study on Christian Apologetics, Basic Christian Doctrine, Old Testament Survey, various books of the Bible, Creation-Evolution issues, and other religions. Have taught classes on many of these subjects.
- Various classes on Bible, Christian Doctrine, and Practical Christian Living - through church, Evangelism Explosion, and Campus Crusuade for Christ during college.
Professional Experience
- Scientific - 29+ years of R&D experience in optical physics and engineering. Employers include:
- Private industry
- NASA and Department of Energy (DOE) National Laboratories
- University settings
- Professional consulting
- Teaching
- Developed and taught a course on Fundamentals of Lasers and Applications.
- Taught several college level physics laboratory classes.
- Lectured and demonstrated laser technology to students through an 8th Grade Science Enrichment Program in the public schools.
- Patents - Hold 7 patents & 2 pending patents.
- Awards - Granted a 1998 R&D 100 Award - a national award granted by R&D Magazine for what it considered one of the top 100 technology developments during 1998.
- Publications - Have written and presented a number of scientific conference papers, some of which are published in proceedings.